bet9九州体育登录: (812) 513-1098 家事法事宜: (812) 725-8226



通过调解解决冲突 & 仲裁

The attorneys of the CLLB 争议解决 possess decades of experience successfully representing clients in civil cases, 房地产和商业纠纷, 遗产及遗嘱认证事宜及家庭法. 律师拉里·丘奇, 杰森), 加里Banet和Dana Eberle很乐意把他们的经验带到你们的案子中, 通过各种形式的冲突解决带来迅速和积极的解决方案, 包括调解和仲裁.

We take the parties from trying to “compare apples to oranges” to a place where they can begin to “just compare apples” and determine the best possible settlement. 这个过程需要妥协和耐心, 但是,只要各方都带着解决问题的真诚愿望来到谈判桌前,它就能发挥作用.


  • 免费的 前往克拉克、克劳福德、弗洛伊德、哈里森、斯科特、杰斐逊、奥兰治和华盛顿县.

  • 晚上和周末都可以预约.
  • 在线调度.


在他的民事审判律师生涯中, 拉里代理过的客户的纠纷金额从几百美元到几百万美元不等. 他曾为个人、大公司和政府机构提起诉讼. Larry assists parties in resolving conflicts in mediation and arbitration by utilizing his common sense in combination with the skills learned over the course of his career to craft cost-effective and appropriate resolutions of disputes.


杰森代表个人, 家族企业, 主要企业和金融机构的房地产和商业交易及诉讼. 他曾代表企业主, 投资者, 银行, 开发人员, 承包商, 房东, 租户, 房主, 以及印第安纳州和肯塔基州的其他地区. 因为他有诉讼背景, he utilizes his broad range of experience to assist others in resolving these and other matters as a civil mediator.

Dana Eberle

Dana积极处理所有领域 家庭法, 包括离婚, 收养, 监护权, 离婚的未婚父母, 亲子鉴定问题, 监护和同性婚姻. 当家庭内部出现纠纷时, 有些问题不是握手或口头协议就能解决的. Dana focuses her mediation practice on resolving conflicts between couples and families related to all aspects of 家庭法, 在诉讼之前或之后.


加里专注于遗产规划, 不动产及信托管理及诉讼, 监护, 老年人法律和特殊需要规划. He helps families find solutions to their needs in a way that preserves not just their long-term financial health, 还有家庭关系的长期健康. Gary专注于调解与遗产规划有关的家庭冲突, 继承计划和遗嘱认证事宜.


印第安纳州的调解律师 & 肯塔基州

中介 is when two opposing parties sit down at a table and politely work out a solution that both can agree to.  通常只有民事案件可以调解(有少数例外).  经常通过调解的民事案件包括商业纠纷, 房屋租赁纠纷, 受伤的情况下, 小额索赔纠纷, 离婚, 子女监护权纠纷和合同纠纷.  Hiring a lawyer as a consultant to offer advice and guidance during the mediation is substantially cheaper than hiring a lawyer to litigate your case.

One of the primary reasons to choose mediation over typical litigation is that it may help you maintain an important relationship with the person on the other side. 调解更具有合作性和协作性, 因此,对于涉及商业伙伴的纠纷,这是一个很好的选择, 共同父母或隔壁邻居.  调解也是理想的,因为它通常是快速的, 成本更低,各方的压力也小得多.



Civil mediation focuses on collaboratively resolving transaction and relationship disputes in a more comfortable yet binding manner.  以下是几种常见的调解类型:


Small- and medium-sized businesses often benefit tremendously from using mediation rather than litigation to resolve conflicts. 企业主有时会与邻近的企业发生冲突, 员工, 客户, vendors or with their own business partners; yet, 不像大公司, 小型企业往往缺乏公共关系, 人力资源, 以及法律部门帮助他们处理这些冲突.

更重要的是, 除非情况得到友好解决, the leftover hostility can affect a business owner’s quality of 生活 — it can be unpleasant to engage with an unfriendly party on a day-to-day basis. 中介 is an efficient and effective way to resolve business disputes and maintain a sense of community.


Injury mediation refers to the process of settling disputes arising from accidents resulting in claimed injuries. 争议通常发生在受伤方和对其伤害索赔负责的一方之间.

伤害调解是解决大量保险相关问题的有效手段. 近年来, 人们缓慢而稳定地远离昂贵的住房, 有压力的, 以及耗时的对抗性法律制度作为解决人身伤害纠纷的一种方式. If you have reached an impasse in negotiations with an insurance company over settlement of your personal injury claim, 调解可能是一个明智的解决办法.

调解也可作为健康诉讼的有效替代办法, 房主, 生活, 旅行, 或者宠物保险纠纷. Keep in mind that an insurance company needs to agree to attend mediation; they cannot be forced. 


在遗产和遗嘱认证案件中调解的理想方面之一是隐私.  调解不像审判那样产生公开记录.  Both the confidentiality and informal nature of mediation offer all parties the chance to deal with emotional issues surrounding family, 父母与公共财产.

遗嘱认证, 信任, 或者监护权的纠纷会导致长期存在的家庭问题的爆发(被认为是偏袒), 兄弟姐妹间的竞争, 不赞成结婚, 等.).  这时,一个公正的调解人可以介入,降低情况的情绪温度, 提供各方都能接受的解决方案.


当涉及到离婚之类的事情时,调解是诉讼的一个很好的选择, 子女抚养权和抚养费.  一个更放松的调解环境可以使成年人和孩子在情感上更容易, 调解更有可能产生双方都能接受的结果.  当你上法庭的时候, the judge will make decisions about your family and it’s more likely that one party will feel like they “lost.”


现在许多房地产合同都要求当事人调解双方之间可能出现的纠纷. 无论是对财产状况的分歧, 财产界线纠纷, 欺诈指控或其他细节, 调解是解决财产纠纷的良好开端.


失败的手术, neglect of a loved one or other substandard care in medical facilities can result in malpractice disputes against physicians, 护士, 医院组织和养老院设施.  调解是解决这些纠纷的理想方式.



中介律师有几种类型的争议解决,调解只是其中之一.  其他类型的争议解决包括仲裁和协商解决.  These are all referred to as “alternative dispute resolution” because they are paths to resolving conflicts that can eliminate the need for lawsuits and trials in front of a judge.  Alternative dispute resolutions are often collaborative and designed to reach solutions that everyone can agree upon and accept.  它们也比审判更快、更便宜、更私密.



据统计,大多数调解案件持续半天至一整天,有些甚至更长. 调解不像诉讼那么麻烦和费时, 这可能会持续数周, 几个月甚至几年. 教堂里的律师, 兰登, Lopp, Banet Law可以让你更好地了解调解你的具体民事案件可能需要的时间.  请透过电邮联络我们 (812) 725-8224.


法律bet9九州体育登录 & 的收费结构

私人调解员一般按小时收费. 许多案件在不到一天的时间内就解决了. 除了调解员的费用, 双方当事人必须支付在调解中提供协助的律师费用. 调解员最初可以要求双方各支付相当于预期费用一半的保证金, 但双方稍后可能会协商一个不同的付款时间表.


争议解决 & 中介


  • The mediator will introduce himself or herself and make some opening comments about the rules and goals of mediation.
  • Each side is given the opportunity to describe the dispute as he or she sees it without interruption from the other side.
  • 取决于调解员和当事人, the mediator may then start a mutual discussion with both of the parties present or may engage each party privately, 来回移动, 解决每个问题.
  • 在与当事人讨论了问题之后, 调解员通常将双方召集在一起共同协商解决方案.
  • 如果协商成功, 然后调解员将以书面形式写下协议, 建议他们咨询律师, 让他们签名, 等待他们律师的同意.
  • 如果谈判不成功, the mediator will typically summarize the issues the parties did agree on and advise them of their rights going forward.



通常双方都能通过谈判达成协议. 加快这一进程或帮助各方解决一些非常有争议的问题, 训练有素的调解员是无价的. 如果案子能在某个时候解决, 尽早解决这个问题可以节省大量的时间和金钱.

A mediator is a neutral third party who helps those involved reach an agreement and put their dispute behind them and come to a mutual understanding that allows them to move on with their lives.



调解是一个安全的时间和地点,可以向对方讲述自己的故事,并感到被倾听, 但要以一种不会加剧情绪的方式,让和解变得更加困难. 双方可以聚在一起试图解决问题,也可以在不同的房间里, 调解员来回穿梭.

The parties make hard decisions about what they truly need before they can resolve the conflict and decide what other issues can be compromised. 中介 can be a place where creative thinking can result in a way toward settlement that wasn’t considered before. Both parties can map out alternate routes to a place where everyone reaches their goals while leaving litigation behind.

在调解中,当事人仍然是决策者. 调解员可以提出建议并引导他们和解, 但最终双方决定他们要做什么. 双方可能有巨大的经济和情感上的利害关系, 但如果诉讼继续进行,他们就会把控制权交给陌生人——法官和陪审团.



民事案件的私人调解员大多是受过专门调解培训和有调解经验的律师. 律师 拉里教堂, Dana Eberle, 杰森), 加里Banet have helped parties by using common sense in combination with the skills learned over the course of their legal careers 帮助 craft cost-effective and appropriate resolutions of disputes. 多年来, 他们经历了一次又一次的审判, 一个接一个的纠纷, understand that mediation can be a much better way for all parties involved to end the conflict and get on with their lives.

If you find yourself fed up and stressed out because of a dispute or the litigation process and you need help to resolve your matter, 给我们的调解律师打个电话 (812) 725-8224.   或者使用本页顶部的日历选项安排一个中介会话. 我们将不懈努力,帮助您达成一个适当的解决您的争议.


“非常好,非常专业,对该地区的法律、法院和法官都非常了解! 他们让我感觉很舒服,让我觉得一切都很容易. 加里和他的员工让我惊叹不已!!!——波比·科布 (谷歌审查)



超过25年了, Larry has devoted himself to representing his clients with great skill and commitment while never forgetting that not only his clients, 但是那些反对他们的人, 首先是那些值得被公平对待和尊重的人吗. 拉里首先是一名出庭辩护律师. 在他的职业生涯中, 他代理的客户的纠纷金额从几百美元到数百万美元不等. [ 律师生物 ]



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